Decorative Room Fragrances Which You Can Easily Make at Home

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Dancing With Bamboo Sticks

• Dancing With Bamboo Sticks
• The Liveliness That Comes With Candles
• Magical Lavender Pouches
• Gel Fragrances
• The Lemon Relief


We have all seen diffusors (device which spreads fragrance) with bamboo sticks in them. These diffusors are elegant, as much as they are effective for dispersing great fragrance in an environment. They are also very easy to make. An empty perfume bottle, bamboo sticks, baby oil and a few drops of perfume essence is all that you need. Fill up your perfume bottle with baby oil. Then add in a few drops of your favorite essence (or perfume). After adding bamboo sticks, all that remains is to watch the dance of aromas in your home.

The Liveliness That Comes With Candles


Candles with fragrance are among the first things that come to mind when it comes to room fragrance. They leave a fantastic aroma in your house as they burn. You can either buy these candles from a store, or you can make them yourself. All you need to make one are one odorless candle, together with your favorite essential oils with a strong fragrance such as lavender, rosemary, thyme, sage or mint. First of all, melt down your candle. Put in these essential oils and leave the mixture to brew for 40 minutes. Wait until it gets cold and solid, and then light your candle, watch the odors dance.

Magical Lavender Pouches


At home you can make your own lavender pouches, which we often see at wedding ceremonies. Then you can put it in the seat of honor in you salon, resting in a bowl. Or you can put your small lavender pouches in your clothes drawer making your clothes smell like lavender gardens.

Gel Fragrances


You can place gel fragrances that smell wonderful as well as look decorative in every corner of the house. You can either put them inside a locker, or on a desk. The aroma of this fragrances lasts for about 1 month, but if you live in a hot climate, it will be a little shorter. As for the ingredients: A package of neutral gelatin, a spoonful of salt, glass mould and aromatic oils. Firstly, boil half the water and then add in a spoonful of salt. This will prevent the gelatin form taking a shape. Stir the gelatin pack well after adding it, and add in the remaining water. Remove the pan from the furnace and add in five drops of colorant. Put the mixture in a mould and stir until it takes after the paint color. Add in 20 drops of aromatic oil. Finally, after mixing everything, keep the mixture in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Your gels are ready with great a fragrance.

The Lemon Relief


With its fresh and nice fragrance, lemon is among the essentials of aromatherapy, and it is a strong disinfectant. You need the below ingredients for lemon relief, the savior of environments with excessive humidity, tobacco odor and dirty air: Lemon peel, ethyl alcohol (half a glass), lemon oil, eight wooden sticks, three spoons of water and a small decorative glass bottle. It is very easy to make. Firstly, place the lemon peel in the jar, and fill 3/4 of the bottle with alcohol. Then add in the remaining water, and following that, ten drops of lemon oil. When you finally add in the wooden sticks, there’s your room fragrance.

With very simple methods you can use room fragrances that bring freshness and elegance to your home, or you can take them to your friends as a housewarming gift and share this beauty with them. Wishing you a happy and healthy life.

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